People Behind Taking God to Work

All kinds of people are Taking God to Work. Featured in our book are thirteen profiles of ordinary Christians doing amazing things each day.
Johnny Curtis, shown here with his lovely wife, runs a tree service company. With his brother, they implement God's plan for work by caring for their employees and customers.
Their game plan includes prayer for their employees to start each workday and treating their customers as they would want to be treated. The hallmarks of their service include excellence in maintaining and removing trees, diligence in cleaning up and manning up if something goes wrong.
Intentional About God
If you are like me, there were periods in life when I didn't think much about God while at work. I tried to live my live according to His principles, but honestly, I didn't give Him a lot of space at my job. Work was work and church was church.
One of the hindering factors for me included a false understanding of faith and work. I assumed that my focus at work should be quietly doing my job and hoping someday, somehow a co-worker would ask me about my faith. Then, I would swoop in with the plan of salvation. What I later realized is that everything we do at work is intended to reflect God's glory. Our work itself is God's way of taking care of people and the world. We are ambassadors for God in our daily lives by loving people through our work.
By intentionally focusing on God at work, we begin to involve Him in everyday situations. Minor miracles start to happen as we allow God's presence to seep into our workplace, our relationships and the goods and services we provide.
God's Love is Transformational
As we begin our days with prayer and worship, we stake a claim on our workplace for the Lord. Inviting Him to infuse your attitudes, your projects and your care for customers will bring new levels of success. Not just temporal, earthly success in accomplishing your mission at work, but more lasting success of introducing others to God's love. Spiritual transformation happens for us and our workplace.
The book, Taking God to Work, spends a significant number of pages focusing on real strategies to transform your co-workers, boss and colleagues. By helping them move on from unproductive behaviors, you can change the DNA of your organization or company. Christians are meant to be salt and light at work. Sometimes, we don't know how to be the seasoning that God intended. Pastor Steve Reynolds and I prayerfully included some tactical and strategic steps you can take to change yourself and others with God's help.
Love is the only answer to the mixed up place our world has become. Christians owe it to those around us to bring God's love into our work. We have so richly experienced God's transforming power, it's time to spread that love to others.
Examples of God at Work
Our book includes stories from top-producing realtors, a hair salon owner, a security manager and many others. Each person found a turning point. They heard God's call and responded by including Him more at their job or business. Pick up a copy of Taking God to Work for yourself or a friend. We strongly believe God will use this book to make readers more productive and effective each day.
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