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Can Your Life's Work Wait?

Are you careful about keeping track of appointments? Most of us are busy enough to keep a calendar either electronically or manually. Beware! There is a potentially devastating trap tucked away in the pages of our calendars.

We can focus so much on the routine activities of life (the doctor's appointments, lunch with friends, parent/teacher conferences) that we forget to schedule time for our most important priorities.

Playing with children, visiting a relative in a long-term care facility, or spending time in prayer may fail to make the calendar. While these crucial activities of life also need time on the schedule, that's still not what I'm talking about.

In my new book Exercise Your Faith (Defeating the Lies the Men Believe), I devote a chapter to the lie: My Life's Work Can Wait. Procrastination can cause huge regrets when comes to our real purpose in life.

Each of us are gifted by God with special talents. Some are writers, some woodworkers, others can easily learn foreign languages. We may have a life's work that has little to do with our current job. How can you know if you are where you should be?

Becoming An Author

Since college, I've felt a calling on my life to write. This gifting peaked out from wherever it hides several times. At Ohio State, I chose journalism as my undergraduate degree program. Working on the school paper, my dreams came true to learn about various news events and write about them for my fellow Buckeyes. While working in the city, I took graduate-level screen writing courses at Wheaton College in the Chicago suburbs. This led to a part-time job as a stringer for local daily newspapers.

As my government career progressed, it took most of my energy to excel at my various managerial positions, participate in my local church and visit family several states away. Still, in the back of my mind, I longed to write a book.

When I finally retired at the end of 2015, I started in earnest to become a published author. It felt late in life, but who really knows. I could live another 25 or 30 years. Writing has been everything I dreamed about and more. To have another human being take the time to tell me how one of my books helped them: that's pure gold. Although I accomplished a lot as a manager of other people, I'm now helping and influencing thousands of people through my Christian books. Helping others find Christ or get closer to Him is a miracle. Being part of that process is so rewarding.

Your Life's Work

So, what is your life's work? Does it have anything to do with what your 9-to-5 job? Some of us are quite lucky that we know our career is exactly what we are meant to do to take care of God's world. Others feel like they are wasting their time. What about you?

I hope you will think about these questions. Let God into the process. Ask Him what you can do to make the most of the talents and gifts He put in your toolbox.


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