Does a Baby Have a Right to Choose?
In January, 2016, I struck out on the adventure of a lifetime. After 34 years working for the Federal Government, it was time to follow my passion. From the youngest age, I dreamed of working in a creative field. Since rock star didn’t work out and I don’t paint, the role of author made a lot of sense to me.
That first Christian writer’s conference in Hershey, Pennsylvania stoked my creative juices in more ways than one. Meeting some of the nicest authors, publishers, and agents in the Christian book world gave me an appetite to learn, write, grown, and tell the stories I’d been harboring for years.
We Are the Barbarians
Now coming up on my fifth anniversary, I just published book number 8 (if you don’t count the compilations of devotions with Guideposts.) Honestly, this is the book I care about the most so far. Like children, authors tend to love the one they just finished birthing the best. In a few months, I will love them all the same again.
Why did I pick another subject that seems unlikely to generate mass sales? Because abortion is the holocaust of our time. In the same way we look back at the Aztecs as total barbarians for sacrificing their children, I trust that history will eventually view us as the most savage people in history. Love for the pre-born is the defining issue of our time.
I could cite a lot of mind-numbing statistics, but that probably wouldn’t make much of an impact. According to the CDC, the number of abortions reported to them in 2016 was 623,471 or 186 per 1,000 live births. That’s down from the all-time high of 1,353,671 or 356 per 1,000 live births in 1987. (Think that over. In 1987, a total of 35% of moms chose to kill the growing life in their womb.) With the abortion pill, we really don’t have accurate data anymore. Let’s just say that in my opinion one viable fetus aborted is too many.
Why I Wrote A Baby's Right to Choose
The real reason I wrote A Baby’s Right to Choose is that I’m heartbroken. This world’s cruelty is too much for me. After all these years and my own experiences, I’m filled with pain and regret at my inaction and the actions of so many. This book isn’t a guilt trip aimed at anyone but me. There is no condemnation in Christ for anyone who brings their sins to Him. Personal responsibility says that each of us needs to put our heart and soul into righting wrongs, educating the willfully underinformed, and standing up for the least of Christ’s little ones. My hope is that the Mystery/Suspense genre choice will make it easier for everyone to read, stay engaged, and even suggest the book to a friend.
Won’t you help me in my cause? Read this book. Share it with a friend. Write a review on Amazon or another fine book buying site. Most importantly, support your local Christian Crisis Pregnancy Center that opposes abortions and supports the rights of the unborn. A portion of the proceeds from this book are being forwarded to the Shady Grove Crisis Pregnancy Center and other pro-life organizations.
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